
How Do Venture Capital Funds Raise Money

What are Venture Majuscule firms (VCs)?

Venture capital firms (VCs) are money direction organizations that raise money from diverse sources and invest this collective capital into startups.

VCs heighten these funds from family offices, institutional investors (pension funds, academy endowment funds, sovereign wealth funds, etc), and high net worth individuals (with assets over $1 million), who allow the VC firm to manage their investments.

The size of VC investments in a given startup can vary widely based on the detail investment theory and practices of each firm.

The influx of VC cash, along with the additional resource, advice, and connections VCs can provide, often serves to assistance startups to grow rapidly and dominate their market.

VC firms typically make investments according to a particular thesis – for example, supporting startups in a detail stage, industry, or geographic region.


Union Square Ventures (USV) is a notable VC firm toting a portfolio packed with big hits: Tumblr, Twitter, and Coinbase, to name a few.

USV invests according to a particular strategy, concisely summed upwardly past partner Brad Burnham in a [tweet]( that became the firm'due south official investment thesis: "invest in large networks of engaged users, differentiated by user experience, and defensible though network furnishings."

This means that USV looks for companies that can calibration (like Twilio), bring together huge groups of people or connect a marketplace (like Twitter), provide a seamless user experience (like Codeacademy), and thrive off of the network issue – the more people who use it, the more than valuable the tool is.

This is a particularly concentrated approach to VC investing that has served USV well.

In 2015, Us-based VCs raised about $28.2 billion in total, and deployed nearly $sixty billion to 4,561 startups, according to the National Venture Capital Association.

As a point of comparison, all US-based affections investors (individual investors who directly invest their own money in startups), raised and deployed over $24 billion in 2015, spread throughout more 71,000 companies.

This demonstrates the longer lifetime of venture funds, which are generally deployed over a period of several years, and the smaller average check sizes of angel investments vs. venture investments.

It can be near impossible for new investors to become access to top startups through proven VC firms. Each fund has a limited number of spots for investors, and many peak-performing VC firms already take a backlog of previous investors who get top priority on their new funds.

What are venture capital funds?

Parties that invest in VC funds give their coin to experienced fund managers, who are responsible for investing that capital in high-promise startups and making a competitive render on the investment.

VC funds are pools of money, nerveless from a variety of investors, that a fund manager invests into a collection of startups. A typical VC firm manages about $207 million in venture uppercase per year for its investors.

On average, a single fund contains $135 million. This capital is ordinarily spread betwixt 30-80 startups, though some funds are entirely invested into a single visitor, and others are spread between hundreds of startups.

Who invests in venture capital funds?

Parties that invest in VC funds are known as limited partners (LPs). Mostly, LPs are high cyberspace worth individuals, institutional investors, and family unit offices.

Breakup of LP Majuscule Invested in VC Funds:

  • Majority institutional: pension funds, endowment funds, etc. Institutional fund managers volition generally invest some of the capital within VC funds, with the goal of achieving a certain overall percentage of return (say, 15% increase) each twelvemonth
  • Pocket-size per centum from loftier internet worth individuals: individuals with a net worth of over $one million in liquid avails who invest their personal wealth in startups or VC. Many VC funds limit participation to individuals who clear $5 million in internet worth.


David F. Swensen, manager of Yale's $25.iv billion endowment fund, pioneered a groundbreaking investment strategy in 1976. He diversified the fund, then composed of stocks and bonds, by including multiple nugget classes, and led Yale to become one of the first universities to invest in venture capital.

Venture capital went on to become Yale's all-time performing asset class, generating a 33.8% annual return from 1976 to the nowadays day. Yale'south endowment fund is packed with tech giants like Amazon, Google, Facebook, Pintrest, Snapchat, Uber, Twitter, and Airbnb.

Venture upper-case letter now makes upwardly 16.3% of Yale's overall investment portfolio, and its endowment fund generates [33%]( organization/the-money-management-gospel-of-yales-endowment-guru.html) of the academy's overall budget (equally opposed to 10%, earlier Swensen's management).

![Yale Endowment Fund](https://d2aezjsmcp2rsz.cloudfront.cyberspace/fc-acquire-assets/yale.svg)

Who manages venture capital funds?

VC firms will typically employ ane or many fund managers, or general partners (GPs) to run their funds. GPs are responsible for making smart investment decisions and maximizing returns for the LPs who invest in the funds they manage.

GP responsibilities include: - Raising funds from LPs - Sourcing top startups - Performing due diligence - Investing fund upper-case letter in high-hope startups - Delivering returns back to investors in the fund (LPs) - Providing value-add to fund portfolio companies beyond just capital, including introductions, advice, introductions to follow-on investors, etc.

VC funds tend to exist large – ranging from several one thousand thousand to over $i billion in a single fund, with the boilerplate fund size for 2015 coming in at $135 one thousand thousand.

Investing in larger VC funds comes with advantages and disadvantages.

Pros: - Experienced VCs with inside knowledge manage your investments - Most large funds include a diverse base of operations of companies - The fund has follow-on capital on-hand to deploy to successful portfolio companies looking to raise additional funding, which maximizes the investors' equity stake in already proven, successful companies - Large funds tend to invest in later-stage startups, which have a lower run a risk of failure than seed and very early- stage companies

Cons: - Huge funds frequently fail to deliver market place-beating returns, as there is sometimes more capital to deploy than high-hope startups to invest in - Large funds are less probable to invest in early-phase startups, which are a riskier investment than subsequently-stage startups, but have a greater potential for outsized returns

Like private startup investors, fund managers tend to diversify each VC fund by investing in multiple startups within unlike industries, in order to maximize their chances of landing on a startup that generates returns which more than compensate for all failed investments.

VC funds are structured under the assumption that fund managers volition invest in new companies over a period of ii-3 years, deploy all (or near all) of the uppercase in a fund within five years, and render all capital to investors within 10 years.

Funds have a long lifetime because it commonly takes years for the startups they invest into mature and grow in value. For case, many GPs volition hold off on closing out a fund by liquidating the investments inside information technology if a liquidity outcome has not yet occurred for promising startups within the fund.

In exchange for investing your coin and managing the fund, VC firms typically charge management fees and carried interest (carry), on a percentage of the profits fabricated on fund investments.

This is referred to equally the 2-and-20 model: VCs typically charge 2% of the total fund size per year for management fees – the operational and legal costs required for the fund to operate – and 20% carry on whatsoever profits the fund makes.

Summit VC funds sometimes utilise a three-and-30 model, and are able to justify these college fees because their track record all the same leaves investors with greater internet returns.


In 2003, the Sequoia Venture Eleven Fund raised $387 1000000 from well-nigh twoscore LPs, mainly institutional investors.

In 2014, Sequoia airtight the fund, and reported $3.six billion in gains, or a 41% annual return.

Sequoia partners collected $one.1 billion in carry – 30% of all the gains, while LPs received $2.5 billion – 70% of the gains.

Venture Uppercase Returns

Investors in a VC fund profit if the returns from successful startups outweigh the losses from failed startups. This does not mean that the majority of the startups within the fund have to be successful – ofttimes, one big winner within a fund can make up for a portfolio total of losses.

Fund managers tin choose to liquidate all or part of a fund in gild to pull the upper-case letter out and distribute profits to investors. This tin can happen when a company inside the fund IPOs, is acquired, etc.

Generating market-beating returns depends heavily on investing in a height VC fund with connections to superlative startups and proven returns, rather than spreading uppercase across multiple funds, every bit the highest returns are full-bodied amongst the top quartile (top 25%) of funds.

Co-ordinate to a study by Cambridge Associates, the median of all VC funds sometimes outperformed and sometimes underperformed public marketplace benchmarks, such as the S&P 500, from 1981 - 2014, while the top quartile of VC funds accept consistently outperformed the Southward&P 500 in the final 3 decades.

Avg IRR (Internal Charge per unit of Return) from 1981 - 2014:

  • Top Quartile of VC Funds: 24.89%
  • Median of All VC Funds: xi.94%
  • Southward&P 500: 12.66%

Top VCs vs. Average VCs vs. S&P 500 Returns from 1981 - 2016

Notwithstanding, while the top 25% of VC funds accept pulled in a 24.89% IRR over the past iii decades, the top 2% of funds (the twenty best performing funds) consistently pull in between 30 - 100% returns – fifty-fifty when the median is much lower. This is an example of power police force distribution.

In venture capital letter, power law distribution dictates that the most successful fund volition generate a higher charge per unit of return than all the other funds combined, the 2d all-time fund will generate a college return than the tertiary best fund and all the other funds combined, and and then on. Startup performance also follows this trend, equally discussed in Chapter 1 of this guide.


Wealthfront studied 1,000 VC funds, and plant that the top xx funds – ii% of funds – generated 95% of the returns across all 1,000 funds.

![95 pct of returns come from 2 per centum of funds](https://d2aezjsmcp2rsz.cloudfront.cyberspace/fc-learn-assets/Returns-1.svg)

Unfortunately, peak VC firms are well-nigh incommunicable to invest in as a newcomer, as the original LPs often get repeat investors, and space in these funds is extremely express.

Why do startups raise VC Coin?

Venture capital is an platonic financing structure for startups that demand capital letter to calibration and will likely spend a significant amount of time in the crimson to build their business into an extraordinarily profitable visitor. Big proper noun companies similar Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google were once venture-backed startups.

Unlike car dealerships and airlines – companies with valuable physical assets and more than anticipated cash flows – startups typically have little collateral to offering against a traditional loan. Therefore, if an investor were to issue a loan to a startup, there'due south no way to guarantee that the investors could recoup the amount they've lent out if the startup were to fail.

Past raising venture majuscule rather than taking out a loan, startups can raise money that they are under no obligation to repay. Even so, the potential price of accepting that money is college – while traditional loans take fixed involvement rates, startup equity investors are buying a percentage of the company from the founders. This means that the founders are giving investors rights to a percent of the company profits in perpetuity, which could corporeality to a lot of coin if they are successful.

The Price of Raising Venture Capital

Startup investors generally expect a 20% or more yearly return on their investment, and volition have this number into account when determining how much to offer you for your business organization.

A lender volition typically charge vii.9-nineteen.ix%. At face value, information technology may appear less costly for a startup to take out a loan.

Nonetheless, most startups exercise non authorize to receive loans at all, and ones who exercise typically will receive loans with expensive terms fastened such every bit high interest rates, late fee penalties, and warrants (free equity to the lender). Startups are too often forced to turn over company IP and other assets in the event of a default on payment.

Early-stage startup investing offers potential for astronomical growth and outsized returns (relative to larger, more mature companies). This potential tin can make acquiring startup equity an attractive investment opportunity to prospective investors, albeit a risky one.

For startup founders, taking VC money can come with huge benefits – experienced startup investors can offer valuable back up, guidance, and resources to new founders that tin can help to shape their visitor and increase its chances of success.

Getting access acme startups can exist challenging for VCs, as the best startups tin can be more than discerning when deciding who to take upper-case letter from. In these situations, startups oft heavily weigh the boosted benefits a VC house has to offer aside from just uppercase.

This is why it'southward of import for VC firms to build a reputation for adding value by helping their portfolios with recruitment, customer acquisition, access to follow-on funding, advice, and other challenges startups see.

Venture capital financing is also platonic for startups that tin't get very far past bootstrapping. Although many founders cocky-fund their startups while operating out of a cramped apartment until they've reached profitability, bootstrapping doesn't work for companies that require uppercase up-front just to build and test their MVP (minimum viable production), or for founders who wish to scale their businesses faster than bootstrapping permits.

Startup Fundraising Rounds: Seed to Series C and Beyond

Startups raise venture capital in phases, commonly referred to as "rounds".

Startup fundraising "rounds" refer to primary issuances of venture capital – instances when investors get a lot of capital together and invest in in the startup in 1 shot, or, at times, in two or more increments, known every bit tranches.

Each fundraising circular is generally correlated with a new stage in a startup's evolution, and is often tied to a valuation outcome (events that affect a startup's worth, based on the price per share i would have to pay in order to invest in the company).

Mutual benchmarks according to startup phase:

Benchmarks at each financing stage tin vary widely for each startup, depending on their industry, geography, and individual goals.

Seed Stage

Rounds typically range from less than $one million to $3 meg dollars.

Have generally demonstrated early traction; need capital to keep product development and acquire initial customer-base of operations.

Series A

Rounds typically range between $3 million to $10 million.

Usually have achieved strong production-market place fit; seeking boosted capital to calibration their customer/user base and increase revenue.

Serial B

Rounds typically range from $5 million to $25 million.

Startups should be able to demonstrate highly measurable results (potent acquirement, large market share, repeatable growth engine); focused on scaling their internal team and achieving market domination.

Serial C and later-stage startups

Rounds range from over $10 1000000 to $100 million.

Can by and large demonstrate large scale expansion; focused on developing new products or expanding into new geographies. Subsequent rounds are labelled Serial D Series Due east, and and then on, and are commonly spaced around 18-24 months autonomously.


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