
How To Get Verified On Facebook 2020

Wondering how to get verified on Facebook? Read this guide to learn more about the Facebook verification process and the blue and grey badges you can get. If you're aiming at the blue check mark badge, follow our simple process of 5 steps to get verified on Facebook.

Why Get Verified on Facebook?

Social media has thousands of fake accounts. Knowing this, it makes sense that companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat let some high-profile individuals and companies verify themselves to show that they're real. This verification process gives anyone who interacts with the page peace of mind of knowing they're not interacting with a fake account.

On Facebook, when they verify a person of public interest or a page, they put a blue check mark badge by their name. Think big brands or celebrities. If you don't meet Facebook's "public interest" qualification, you'll get a grey check mark badge for verification. The grey check mark is more for smaller businesses or local shops. So, how do you get a Facebook page verification?

Facebook's Verification Guidelines

There is a set of guidelines that your page has to follow to be able to verify your Facebook business page. There are four significant verification guidelines:

  1. Be Authentic – Your Facebook page has to represent a registered business or entity, or a real person.
  2. Be Complete – The Facebook business page or account has to have an active presence. You have to complete your "About" section, profile photo, cover photo, and have a least one post.
  3. Be Notable– Your business page has to represent an often-searched, well-known entity, brand, or person. Facebook will review accounts that gain feature spots in multiple news sources. However, the review team doesn't consider promotional or paid content as review sources.
  4. Be Unique– To verify your Facebook business page, it has to be a unique presentation of the business it represents. You can only verify one account per company or person, unless you have more than one language-specific account for the same business. General interest accounts usually don't gain a verification status.
Get verified on Facebook to increase trustworthiness of your business

How to Get Verified on Facebook (Blue Check) – Step by Step

Verification is free on Facebook, but you want to have your page set up ahead of time to ensure Facebook grants your verification request. Check that your website, bio, email address, and description are all updated and current. You want to link to your business's official website, and you should link back to Facebook from your website.

Next, go to your Facebook page's "About" section. Fill in your business's address or addresses, phone numbers, mission statement, company overview, and other social channel handles. The goal is to have as much information filled in as possible because this makes your page look legitimate to Facebook when they verify it. Once you have this all on your page, you can start the verification process.

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Step One – Go Into Page Verification

If you look at the top left of your FB business page, you'll see a "Settings" button. Click it. This will then open a new page in your tab. Look to your left to find the "General" menu and click it. When the "General" menu opens, look for "Page Verification." Click "Edit" by "Page Verification," then click "Get Started." You can also click this link to request a blue check verification.

Step Two – Instant Verification

Facebook gives you two ways to verify your page for a blue check mark. One is an instant verification, and one is more detailed. For instant verification, input your business's phone number and click "Call Me Now." Facebook will call the listed number with a verification code. You input the code and wait for Facebook to verify you.

Step Three – Detailed Verification

If you don't want Facebook to call and give you the code, you can opt for the detailed verification instead. To do this, click "Verify This Page with Documents." Facebook will prompt you to upload a document that proves your business is legitimate. The document should clearly show your business name and address. Facebook allows you to use:

  • Articles of incorporation
  • Business license
  • Business phone or utility bill
  • Business tax file
  • Certificate of formation
How to get your Facebook page verified - blue check

Step Four – Additional Information

You'll see an "Additional Information" box when you go through the verification process. Take advantage of this. Write a quick introduction and outline a compelling reason why Facebook should verify you. Include links to your brand's Wikipedia page, website, or relevant press articles. Keep it short, concise, and quick.

Step Five – Wait for Verification

Once you verify your page through uploading documents or having Facebook call you and inputting the code, you'll have to wait for them to complete the process. Facebook will review your request and either verify your page or deny your request. This process can take between two to 30 days.

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How to Verify a Facebook Page (Grey Check) – Step by Step

If you'd like to have the grey check by your business instead of the blue because you don't have the public interest qualification, it's a straightforward process. Like with a blue check mark, you do want to have your page as complete as possible regarding your address, bio, phone numbers, websites, and everything else we outlined above.

Go to your Facebook page's "Settings." Find the "General" tab. When you click it, you'll be able to look to your right and see a "Page Verification" tab. If you hit "Edit," it will ask you if you'd like to verify the page. Check that you would and enter a phone number for your business, language, and your country. Click "Call Me Now."

Facebook will call you with the verification code, and this is the code you put in the box. Submit it and wait for Facebook to review it. This usually only takes around 48 hours to review, but Facebook has a 30-day window. If they approve it, a grey check will appear next to your page's name.

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How To Get Verified On Facebook 2020


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