Definition Of Cream In Cooking
a. The yellowish fatty component of unhomogenized milk that tends to accumulate at the surface.
b. Any of various substances resembling or containing cream: hand cream.
2. A pale yellow to yellowish white.
3. The choicest part: the cream of the crop.
v. creamed, cream·ing, creams
v. intr.
1. To form cream.
2. To form foam or froth at the top.
3. Vulgar Slang
a. To have an orgasm.
b. To be excited or delighted about something.
v. tr.
1. To remove the cream from; skim.
a. To take or remove (the best part): creamed off the highest-paying jobs for her cronies.
b. To take the best part from: creamed the whole department to form his management team.
3. To beat into a creamy consistency.
4. To prepare or cook in or with a cream sauce.
5. To add cream to.
6. Slang
a. To defeat overwhelmingly: creamed our rival on their home court.
b. To damage severely; destroy: My camera got creamed when I dropped it.
7. Vulgar Slang To have an orgasm in (one's pants, for example).
cream (one's) jeans /panties Vulgar Slang
To be excited or delighted about something.
[Middle English creme, from Old French craime, cresme, partly from Late Latin crāmum (of Gaulish origin; akin to Welsh crawen, cramen, crust, and Middle Irish screm, film), and partly from Vulgar Latin *crisma, an anointing (from Latin chrīsma, from Greek khrīsma, unguent, from khrīein, to anoint; see ghrēi- in Indo-European roots).]
cream adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. (Cookery)
a. the fatty part of milk, which rises to the top if the milk is allowed to stand
b. (as modifier): cream buns.
2. anything resembling cream in consistency: shoe cream; beauty cream.
3. the best one or most essential part of something; pick: the cream of the bunch; the cream of the joke.
4. (Cookery) a soup containing cream or milk: cream of chicken soup.
5. (Cookery) any of various dishes, cakes, biscuits, etc, resembling or containing cream
6. (Cookery) a confection made of fondant or soft fudge, often covered in chocolate
7. (Brewing) cream sherry a full-bodied sweet sherry
8. (Colours)
a. a yellowish-white colour
b. (as adjective): cream wallpaper.
9. (Cookery) (tr) to skim or otherwise separate the cream from (milk)
10. (Cookery) (tr) to beat (foodstuffs, esp butter and sugar) to a light creamy consistency
11. (Cookery) (intr) to form cream
12. (tr) to add or apply cream or any creamlike substance to: to cream one's face; to cream coffee.
13. (sometimes foll by: off) to take away the best part of
14. (Cookery) (tr) to prepare or cook (vegetables, chicken, etc) with cream or milk
15. (Cookery) to allow (milk) to form a layer of cream on its surface or (of milk) to form such a layer
16. (tr) slang chiefly US and Canadian and Austral to beat thoroughly
17. (Physiology) (intr) slang (of a man) to ejaculate during orgasm
[C14: from Old French cresme, from Late Latin crāmum cream, of Celtic origin; influenced by Church Latin chrisma unction, chrism]
ˈcreamˌlike adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
1. the fatty part of milk that rises to the surface when the liquid is allowed to stand and is not homogenized.
2. a soft solid or thick liquid containing medicaments or other specific ingredients, applied externally for a prophylactic, therapeutic, or cosmetic purpose.
3. a purée containing cream or milk: cream of tomato soup.
4. any of various foods made with cream or milk or having the thick, smooth consistency of cream: pastry cream.
5. a soft-centered confection of fondant or fudge coated with chocolate.
6. the best part of anything.
7. a yellowish white.
v.i.8. to form cream.
9. to froth; foam.
v.t.10. to work (butter and sugar, etc.) to a smooth, creamy mass.
11. to prepare with cream, milk, or a cream sauce: creamed spinach.
12. to allow (milk) to form cream.
13. to remove the cream from (milk); skim.
14. to take the best part of.
15. to use a cosmetic cream on.
16. to add cream to (tea, coffee, etc.).
17. Slang.
a. to beat up; thrash.
b. to win decisively over.
18. of the color cream; cream-colored.
[1300–50; Middle English creme < Anglo-French, Old French cresme < Late Latin chrīsma chrism]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Past participle: creamed
Gerund: creaming
Imperative |
cream |
cream |
Present |
I cream |
you cream |
he/she/it creams |
we cream |
you cream |
they cream |
Preterite |
I creamed |
you creamed |
he/she/it creamed |
we creamed |
you creamed |
they creamed |
Present Continuous |
I am creaming |
you are creaming |
he/she/it is creaming |
we are creaming |
you are creaming |
they are creaming |
Present Perfect |
I have creamed |
you have creamed |
he/she/it has creamed |
we have creamed |
you have creamed |
they have creamed |
Past Continuous |
I was creaming |
you were creaming |
he/she/it was creaming |
we were creaming |
you were creaming |
they were creaming |
Past Perfect |
I had creamed |
you had creamed |
he/she/it had creamed |
we had creamed |
you had creamed |
they had creamed |
Future |
I will cream |
you will cream |
he/she/it will cream |
we will cream |
you will cream |
they will cream |
Future Perfect |
I will have creamed |
you will have creamed |
he/she/it will have creamed |
we will have creamed |
you will have creamed |
they will have creamed |
Future Continuous |
I will be creaming |
you will be creaming |
he/she/it will be creaming |
we will be creaming |
you will be creaming |
they will be creaming |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been creaming |
you have been creaming |
he/she/it has been creaming |
we have been creaming |
you have been creaming |
they have been creaming |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been creaming |
you will have been creaming |
he/she/it will have been creaming |
we will have been creaming |
you will have been creaming |
they will have been creaming |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been creaming |
you had been creaming |
he/she/it had been creaming |
we had been creaming |
you had been creaming |
they had been creaming |
Conditional |
I would cream |
you would cream |
he/she/it would cream |
we would cream |
you would cream |
they would cream |
Past Conditional |
I would have creamed |
you would have creamed |
he/she/it would have creamed |
we would have creamed |
you would have creamed |
they would have creamed |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
To beat a mixture with a spoon or mixer until it is the consistency of cream.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:
Noun | 1. | cream - the best people or things in a group; "the cream of England's young men were killed in the Great War" pick elite, elite group - a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status |
2. | ![]() dairy product - milk and butter and cheese clotted cream, Devonshire cream - thick cream made from scalded milk double creme, heavy whipping cream - cream with a fat content of 48% or more heavy cream - contains more than 36% butterfat coffee cream, light cream, single cream - cream that has at least 18% butterfat; "in England they call light cream `single cream'" sour cream, soured cream - artificially soured light cream light whipping cream, whipping cream - cream that has enough butterfat (30% to 36%) to be whipped | |
3. | ![]() emollient, ointment cold cream, coldcream, face cream, vanishing cream - a cream used cosmetically (mostly by women) for softening and cleaning the skin hand cream - moisturizing cream for the hands lanolin - an emollient containing wool fat (a fatty substance obtained from the wool of sheep) nard, spikenard - an aromatic ointment used in antiquity sun blocker, sunblock, sunscreen - a cream spread on the skin; contains a chemical (as PABA) to filter out ultraviolet light and so protect from sunburn toilet articles, toiletry - artifacts used in making your toilet (washing and taking care of your body) | |
Verb | 1. | ![]() cookery, cooking, preparation - the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat; "cooking can be a great art"; "people are needed who have experience in cookery"; "he left the preparation of meals to his wife" scramble, beat - stir vigorously; "beat the egg whites"; "beat the cream" |
2. | ![]() drub, lick, clobber, bat, thrash beat, beat out, vanquish, trounce, crush, shell - come out better in a competition, race, or conflict; "Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship"; "We beat the competition"; "Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game" flail, thrash, lam, thresh - give a thrashing to; beat hard | |
3. | ![]() apply, put on - apply to a surface; "She applied paint to the back of the house"; "Put on make-up!" | |
4. | ![]() cream off, skim off, skim remove, take away, withdraw, take - remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment" cream off, skim off - pick the best | |
5. | cream - add cream to one's coffee, for example modify - make less severe or harsh or extreme; "please modify this letter to make it more polite"; "he modified his views on same-gender marriage" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
nounThe superlative or most preferable part of something:
1. To form or cause to form foam:
2. Slang. To render totally ineffective by decisive defeat:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
أصفَر اللوْن دُهون، مُسَحْضَر تَجْميلي صَفْوَة المُجْتَمَـعقِشْدةقِشْدَه
smetana smetánka krémový krém krémová
creme cremefarvet de bedste fløde fløde-
kerma kermanvärinen voide kalveta
kajmak krem vrhnje
tejszín krémszínû legjava
fleyta rjóma ofan af ís; krem kremlitaîur, rjómagulur òeyta saman rjómi
クリーム クリーム色の
크림 크림색의
atrinkti grietinė grietinėlė išmaišyti išsukti
atsijāt labāko augstākās aprindas krējuma- krējums krēmkrāsas-
krém krémová farba smotana smotánka vymiešať
krema smetana kremast
grädde gräddfärgad grädda
kaymakkremakrema haline getirmek kremaya benzer şey kaymak tabaka
вершки крем кремовий кремовий кольор кремового кольору
kem màu kem
2. (= made with cream) → de nata or (LAm) crema
2. (also cream together) (= mix) → batir
creamed potatoes → puré msing de patatas or (LAm) papas
D. CPD cream cake N → pastel m de nata or (LAm) crema
cream cheese N → queso m crema
cream cracker N → galleta f de soda
cream puff N → petisú m, pastel m de nata or (LAm) crema
cream soda N → gaseosa f de vainilla
cream tea N (Brit) merienda en cafetería que suele constar de té, bollos, mermelada y nata
cream off VT + ADV [+ best talents, part of profits] → separar lo mejor de
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
→ Sahne f, → Rahm m (S Ger); (= cream pudding, artificial cream) → Creme f, → Krem f; cream of asparagus/tomato/chicken soup → Spargel-/Tomaten-/Hühnercremesuppe f; cream of tartar → Weinstein m
(= made with cream) → Sahne-, Creme-; cream soups → Cremesuppen pl
(= put cream on) face etc → eincremen
(= allow to form a cream) milk → aufrahmen lassen
(US inf: = defeat easily) → in die Pfanne hauen (inf)
vi (milk) → aufrahmen
cream tea
n → Nachmittagstee m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1. n
b. (lotion, for face, shoes) → crema
2. adj (colour) → (color) crema inv, (color) panna inv (Culin) (made with cream) → alla panna
3. vt (mix) (also cream together) → amalgamare
creamed potatoes → puré m di patate
cream off vt + prep (best talents, part of profits) → portarsi via
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(kriːm) noun1. the yellowish-white oily substance that forms on the top of milk, and from which butter and cheese are made. room قِشْدَه каймак nata smetana der Rahm, die Sahne fløde καϊμάκι, πέτσα nata koor خامه kerma crème שמנת मलाई, सर्वोत्म अंश, सार vrhnje tejszín krim rjómi crema, panna クリーム 크림 grietinėlė, grietinė krējums krim room fløte śmietana کریم nata smântână сливки smotana smetana pavlaka grädde ครีม kaymak, krema 鮮奶油 вершки ملائى، بالائى kem 奶油
2. any of many substances made of, or similar to, cream. ice-cream; face-cream. romerig دُهون، مُسَحْضَر تَجْميلي сметана creme krém die Creme creme; -creme; fløde- κρέμα crema jäätis, kreem هر چیز خامه ای یا خامه مانند kerma- crème קצפת एक प्रकार की सौन्दर्यवर्धक वस्तु krema krém krim ís; krem crema クリーム製品 크림 제품 kremas saldējums krim crème -krem, fløte- śmietanka, mleczko, lody کریم creme cremă крем krém sladoled; krema krem kräm สิ่งที่ประกอบหรือมีลักษณะเป็นครีม kremaya benzer şey 鮮奶油製成的或狀似鮮奶油的產品(如冰淇淋、面霜) крем ملائى سے بنى هوئى كوئى چيز loại thực phẩm có hoặc giốngnhư kem 奶油制成的或状似奶油的产品(如冰淇淋、面霜)
3. the best part; the top people. the cream of the medical profession. beste, keur صَفْوَة المُجْتَمَـع прен. каймак nata smetánka die Elite de bedste; samfundets bedste: eliten αφρόκρεμα la crema, la flor y nata koor, koorekiht سرآمد؛ نخبه kerma crème מֵיטַב הַ- बेहतरीन व्यक्ति या हिस्सा krema, vrh vminek a legjava/krémje yang terbaik úrvalið, besti hlutinn crema 最上の部分 정수, 진수 grietinėlė (kaut kā) labākā daļa; augstākās aprindas kedudukan teratas crème kremen, toppen śmietanka towarzyska, kwiat نخبه nata cremă цвет; сливки smotánka smetana cvet grädda ส่วนที่ดีที่สุด kaymak tabaka 精華,菁英 щось добірне; найкращі люди بهترين حصہ، لب لباب tinh hoa 精华,精英
4. (also adjective) (of) a yellowish-white colour. cream paint. roomkleur أصفَر اللوْن с кремав цвят creme krémová barva cremfarben flødefarvet; cremefarvet κρεμ crema koorekarva رنگ کرم kermanvärinen crème צֶבָע קְרֵם हल्का पीला krem krémszínű krem kremlitaður, rjómagulur crema クリーム色 크림색 kreminė spalva krējuma-; krēmkrāsas- warna krim crème kremfarge kremowy د کریم رنګ creme (de culoare) crem кремовый krémová farba krem žutobeo krämfärgad สีครีม; สีนวล krem rengi 奶油色 кремового кольору ایک قسم كا رنگ، هلكا زردى مائل رنگ màu kem 奶油色,米色
verb1. to make into a cream-like mixture. Cream the eggs, butter and sugar together. romerig يَدهَن، يَمزج باللون الأصفَر разбивам bater em creme (u)třít (těsto) schaumig rühren røre sammen til en creme χτυπώ, ανακατεύω batir vahustama خامه مانند کردن vatkata battre לְהַקצִיף फेंटना istući u kremu felver mengocok þeyta saman fare la spuma クリーム状にする 크림으로 만들다 išmaišyti, išsukti sakult; saputot campuran membuat krim kloppen røre sammen, røre hvitt ucierać د کریم په ډول جوړول bater em creme a bate сбивать vymiešať umešati umutiti röra, vispa ทำให้เป็นครีม krema haline getirmek, çırpmak 使成鮮奶油狀 збивати ملائى جيسى شيء تيار كرنا làm thành kem 使成奶油状
2. to take the cream off. She creamed the milk. afroom, ontroom يقشِد الحليب، يُزيل القشْـده обирам каймак desnatar sbírat smetanu absahnen skumme (fløden) βγάζω το καϊμάκι desnatar, descremar koorima خامه گرفتن poistaa kerma écrémer לְהָפרִיד שָׁמֶנֶת दूध से मलाई निकालना obrati lefölöz mengambil kepala susu fleyta rjóma ofan af scremare クリームを取る 크림을 떠 내다 nugriebti grietinę nuo nokrejot menambah krim afromen skumme zbierać śmietanę z کریم اخیستل desnatar a lua caimacul (de pe) снимать сливки zobrať smotanu posneti skinuti pavlaku skumma ตักส่วนข้นหรือครีมออก kaymağını almak 從(牛奶中)提取奶油 збирати вершки ملائى نكالنا trộn 从牛奶中提取奶油
3. (with off) to select (the best). The best pupils will be creamed off for special training. room, crème, beste يأخُذ الصّفْوَه селектирам selecionar vybrat abschöpfen håndplukke επιλέγω την αφρόκρεμα seleccionar los mejores, cribar välja valima انتخاب کردن valita écrémer לִבחוֹר אֶת הַמֵיטָב चुनना odabrati najbolje lefölöz memilih velja úr selezionare 選り抜く 선발하다 atrinkti atsijāt labāko dipilih selecteren plukke ut wyselekcjonować انتخابول seleccionar a selecta забирать лучшее vybrať posneti smetano probrati ta ut det bästa av เลือกส่วนที่ดีที่สุดออกไป en iyisini seçmek/almak 遴選 відбирати انتخاب كرنا gạn lấy 选拔
ˈcreamy adjective1. full of, or like, cream. creamy milk. romerig قِشْدي، دَسِم، مليء بالقِشْده с много каймак cremoso smetanový, krémový cremig cremet; flødeagtig που είναι σαν κρέμα cremoso koorene, kooretaoline پر خامه kermainen crémeux מוקרם मलाईदार, उत्तम mastan, pun vrhnja tejszínszerű; krémszerű seperti krim rjómakenndur cremoso クリームの多い 크림을 함유한 su grietinėle, riebus krējumains berkrim romig krem, fløte śmietankowy, z dużą ilością śmietany کریمی cremoso smântânos; cu cremă сливочный; жирный smotanový poln smetane punomastan gräddig, krämig ที่เป็นครีม kaymaklı, kremalı 含大量鮮奶油或像鮮奶油的 вершковий; кремоподібний ملائى دار، بالائى دار trông giống như kem 含大量奶油的或像奶油的
2. smooth and white. a creamy complexion. romig ناعِم وأبيَض، قِشْدي اللوْن млечен cremoso hebký, sametový weich silkeblød; flødeagtig λείος και άσπρος de porcelana koorekarva خامه مانند kermanvärinen velouté בְּצֶבָע קְרֵם सफेद gladak, bijel (put) elefántcsont színű halus silkimjúkur morbido, vellutato なめらかな 크림 같은 lygus ir baltas balts un glāsmains putih dan halus roomachtig silkemykt, fløteaktig aksamitny کریم ډوله cremoso catifelat белокожий hebký; biely gladek in bel krem boje mjuk och fyllig มีสีครีม krem gibi yumuşak 奶油色的,光滑白晰的 кремовий چكنا سفيد mịn 奶油色的,光滑细腻的
ˈcreaminess nounromerigheid قِشْديَّة ، دَسَميَّـه мекота suavidade hebkost die Weichheit det at være cremet; det at være flødeagtig λεία υφή και λευκή όψη cremosidad, suavidad kooretaolisus خامه مانندی kermaisuus velouté קְרֵמִיוּת मलाईपन glatkoća, bjelina bő tejszíntartalom; bársonyosság; krémszerűség kehalusan silkimÿkt morbidezza クリーム状 크림 같음 panašumas į grietinėlę ar kremą krējumainība kehalusan romigheid det å være silkemyk aksamitność کریمی suavidade catifelare жирность (молока) hebkosť mazavost kremastost gräddighet, krämighet ความข้นเหมือนครีม yumuşaklık 奶油色,光滑白晰 кремоподібна консистенція بالائى كا سا sự có nhiều kem 奶油色,光滑细腻
cream of tartaran ingredient in baking powder. kremetart زُبْدَة الطَّرطـيـر кремотартар creme de tártaro vinný kámen der Weinstein vinsten συστατικό αραβοσιτάλευρου crémor tártaro viinakivi پتاسیم بی تارترات viinikivi crème de tartre קְרֶם טַרטָר बेकिंग पाउडर का एक अवयव vinski kamen, srijež tisztított borkő krim tartar vínsteinsduft cremore di tartaro 酒石英 주석영(酒石英) kalio vandenilio tartratas, vyno akmuo vīnakmens krim tartar cremor tartari cremor tartari, vinstein winian potasu د تارتارات کریم ingredient în praful de copt винный камень vínny kameň vinski kamen tartar sos ส่วนประกอบในผงฟู krem tartar 塔塔粉(發粉成份) винний камінь پاؤڈر بنانے میں استعمال هونيوالى ايک چیز một chất trong bột nở 酒石
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ قِشْدة, كريـميّ krémový, smetana creme, cremefarvet cremefarben, Sahne κρεμ, κρέμα color crema, nata kerma, kermanvärinen crème krem, vrhnje color crema, panna クリーム, クリーム色の 크림, 크림색의 crèmekleurig, room fløte, fløtefarget kremowy, śmietanka creme, nata крем, кремовый grädde, gräddfärgad เป็นสีนวล, ส่วนที่เป็นไขมันของนมซึ่งลอยขึ้นมาบนผิวนม krem renkli, krema kem, màu kem 含奶油的, 奶油Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
, creme
n. crema, nata; [pharmacy] ungüento, pomada.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
- I'd like some ice cream (US)
I'd like an ice cream (UK) → أُريدُ أيْس كرِيـم → Dám si, prosím, zmrzlinu → Jeg vil gerne have en is → Ich möchte ein Eis → Θα ήθελα ένα παγωτό → Yo quiero un helado → Haluaisin jäätelön → Je voudrais une glace → Želim sladoled → Vorrei un gelato → 私はアイスクリームをいただきます → 아이스크림 주세요 → Ik wil graag een ijsje → Jeg vil gjerne ha is → Chciałbymzamówić lody → Eu queria um sorvete → Мне бы хотелось мороженого → Jag vill ha glass → เราอยากได้ไอศครีม → Ben dondurma alayım → Tôi muốn ăn kem → 我要一份冰淇淋
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n (medicine, cosmetic) crema, pomada; (milk product) nata, crema; cleansing — crema limpiadora; cold — crema fría, (tipo de) crema limpiadora; hand — crema para manos
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Definition Of Cream In Cooking
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